Chapter 3 - Staff
Publication Date: August 17, 2016
Policy Reviewed Date: December 22, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs
3.06 Probationary Period for Classified Employees
It is the policy of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) to provide a period of time during which an employee’s performance and suitability for the position will merit the continuation of their employment with the University.
This policy defines the Probationary Period and responsibilities that occur during this time.
This policy applies to all regular, benefits-eligible, classified staff positions. This policy does not apply to Administrative and Professional (A&P) or positions that require a student status.
世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents Rules & Regulations
- 世界杯官方app HOP 3.01 Annual Non-Faculty Performance Evaluation Program
- 世界杯官方app HOP 3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees
- 世界杯官方app HOP 3.04 Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees
- 世界杯官方app HOP 4.20 Authorized Leave
If you have any questions about HOP 3.06, Probationary Period for Classified Employees, contact the following office:
People Excellence
Probationary Period: A duration of six (6) continuous calendar months of employment in a regular classified, benefits-eligible position which begins from the date of hire. For example, if an employee begins employment on September 15th, the Probationary Period will end on March 15th. Any leave of absence without pay during the Probationary Period will extend the duration by the same number of days that the employee is on leave.
Probationary Employee: An employee appointed to a regular classified, benefits-eligible, position that is serving a Probationary Period.
- Supervisor or designee
- Conducts a departmental orientation for the Probationary Employee where the Probationary Period is discussed in detail, including when the period will end.
- Provides the Probationary Employee with a clear description of the job to be performed.
- Develops standards for the job.
- Observes work performance and provides feedback to the Probationary Employee in the form of an evaluation in accordance with HOP 3.01 Annual Non-Faculty Performance Evaluation Program.
- Ensures the Probationary Employee completes New Employee Development training offered by the Human Resource Department.
- A newly appointed regular classified, benefits-eligible, employee will serve a Probationary Period if he or she:
- Has no prior service at 世界杯官方app and whose current appointment is six (6) calendar months or greater; or
- Returns to 世界杯官方app after a break in service of one (1) or more work days and whose appointment is six (6) calendar months or greater; or
- Transfers from another State of Texas agency or public institution of higher education regardless of having already satisfied a Probationary Period at that agency or institution and whose current appointment is six (6) calendar months or greater.
- A temporary employee who is hired into a regular classified, benefits-eligible, position, with or without a break in service, and whose current appointment is six (6) calendar months or greater, will serve a Probationary Period. The Probationary Period will commence on the day they begin employment as a regular classified, benefits-eligible, employee and not a temporary employee.
- A current regular classified, benefits-eligible, employee with six (6) continuous calendar months or more of service with 世界杯官方app will not serve a Probationary Period if he or she;
- Has completed his or her Probationary Period.
- Has been promoted or transferred within 世界杯官方app without a break in service.
- Has an appointment of six (6) continuous calendar months or greater.
- A Probationary Employee is eligible to apply for transfers/promotions within 世界杯官方app after the completion of their Probationary Period. A Probationary Employee may request a waiver of the no transfer policy by following the procedures found on the People Excellence website.
- Approved waivers of the no transfer policy do not waive the Probationary Period and do not restart the Probationary Period. The Probationary Period continues until the expiration of the original six (6) calendar months in the new department or position.
- A transfer or promotion within the same department is permissible and does not require a waiver, if the transfer does not result in a change in the immediate supervisor and the employee meets the required qualifications for the position.
- For specific information regarding authorized leave, including the use of vacation and sick leave, please see HOP 4.20 Authorized Leave. A Probationary Employee is eligible to use his or her floating holiday time during their Probationary Period with prior approval from their immediate supervisor.
- The employment of a Probationary Employee may be terminated at any time during the Probationary Period if he or she is determined not to be qualified for the position hired, if his or her performance is not acceptable, or if he or she engages in misconduct as defined by HOP 3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees. Any action associated with the termination of a Probationary Employee will be documented and shall become a part of the employee’s personnel file. Prior to termination, the immediate supervisor will review the facts of the case with the Employee Relations Department.
- Pursuant to HOP 3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees, a Probationary Employee whose employment is terminated during the Probationary Period may not appeal this decision. Allegations that the termination was for unlawful discrimination will be referred to the Equal Opportunity Services Office.
- Grievances submitted by a Probationary Employee will be processed in accordance with HOP 3.04 Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees.
- Upon completion of the Probationary Period, a Probationary Employee will have all privileges of a regular classified, benefits-eligible employee. The satisfactory completion of a Probationary Period does not constitute an implied agreement of continuing employment. Unless explicitly exempted, all state employees are employed at the will of the State of Texas.
XIII. Dates Approved/Amended